Repairing Windows crashes If Bootrec is no longer able to be rebuilt or fixed, you may need to reset, refresh, and restore your machine. Some machines do not reset at all. What is the difference between Reset, Refresh, Restore? Reset will be like installing a new Windows. From MicrosoftStore
Downloaded and installed apps and programs will crash. Settings will be the same as Windows defaults. User data on partitions is not lost. But the whole C: \ part of Windows OS will be like new.
Therefore, if you have data under C: \, you need to make a backup. You can already write a backup copy from the Command Prompt.
Refresh is like reinstalling Windows. It can also be said that a direct upgrade from a lower version of Windows to a higher version directly refreshes the day. However, just like updating Windows directly, the apps and settings are older than Windows
He is not in the right place. There will be new apps and settings. Data on partitions is not lost. When Reset, Refresh Choose an Option Apps, Settings,
Save personal files? You will be asked if you want to remove everything. You can choose the one you like.
Restore can be recovered if you created a recovery image while Windows was running before a computer crash. A recovery image has already been posted. It does this if you have a recovery image installed before the computer crashes
You can only recover until it is set. For example. If the last recovery was done yesterday, the machine crashed today. If you restore with Recovery Image, you will get it back until yesterday. Installed between yesterday and before the crash
Settings will be lost.
How to Reset, Refresh? Boot to Windows disc Without installing, click Repair, go to the Troubleshoot, and do a Reset, Refresh option. You can do this under Troubleshoot \ Advanced Options. If you want to reset and refresh your computer while you are using it, go to All Settings \ Update & Security \ Recovery.
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